
Our Terms & Conditions

Terms And Conditions of Usage


1.0.      Naijarecharge.com is a platform which gives you the easiest and most convenient access to pay for everyday service like phone airtime, data subscription, electricity bills, TV subscriptions education service, quality insurance cover through third party merchants’ services. VTpass is a service operated and owned by Broadshift Technologies, and whose registered address is at plot 932 6th Avenue Lagos.

1.1.      These Terms and Conditions shall govern the use of this website, our mobile applications, API, widget and related service.

1.2.      By accessing or using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

1.3.      If you disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions then you may not use this website.



2.0.      Our services are not targeted towards nor intended for use by, anyone under the age 18, if you are under the age of 18, you are not permitted to use our website and services



3.0.      Unless otherwise stated, Servpins Technologies Limited own the intellectual property rights in the website and material on the website.

3.1.      Subject to the license below, all these intellectual property rights are reserved. You may view, download for caching purposes only, and print pages from the website for your own personal use, subject to the restrictions set out below and elsewhere in these terms and conditions. You must not: republish material from this website (including republication on another website); sell, rent or sub-license material from the website; show any material from the website in public;  reproduce, duplicate, copy or otherwise exploit material on our website for a commercial purpose; edit or otherwise modify any material on the website;  or redistribute material from this website except for content specifically and expressly made available for redistribution (such as our newsletter). Where content is specifically made available for redistribution; it may only be redistributed within your organization



4.0.      Our service allows you to post content. You are responsible for the content that you post to the service, including its legality, reliability, and appropriateness.

4.1.      By posting content to the service, you grant us the right and license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such content on and through the service. You retain any and all of your rights to any content you submit, post or display on or through the service and you are responsible for protecting those rights.

4.2.      You agree that this license includes the right for us to make your content available to other users of the service, who may also use your content subject to these terms.

4.3.      You represent and warrant that:

(i)            the content is yours (you own it) or you have the right to use it and grant us the rights and license as provided in these terms, and

(ii)           the posting of your content on or through the service does not violate the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, contract rights or any other rights of any person.ss



5.0.      Our website may not be used for the following;

a.    in any manner which is in breach of any domestic and international law or which is not permitted by and domestic or international law,

b.   our website may not be used in any manner which is considered fraudulent under any applicable law

c.    our website shall be not be used in any manner which incites hatred of derogatory content towards another person in other to carry out any malicious communication

d.   the website may not be use to distribute viruses, malware or any other harmful technologies.

e.    our website may not be used to undertake unsolicited advertising or to send spam

f.     our website may not be used in any manner that interferes with its proper operation

g.    not using any trademarks or logos from this site without explicit consent from us.



6.0.      You hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Naijarecharge.com and its officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including but not limited to attorney fees, arising out of or related to any breach of this agreement, negligence, willful misconduct, or violation of any applicable laws or regulations by you.  

6.1.      This indemnity shall apply to both civil and criminal liabilities, and you shall be responsible for any judgments, settlements, or damages awarded against Naijarecharge.com due to the aforementioned claims.


6.2.      This indemnity clause shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Nigeria, and any disputes arising under or related to this clause shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Lagos, Nigeria.



7.0.      You are responsible for all transactions conducted using your computer (personal or otherwise), mobile phone, tablet or other electronic device (“Device”), payment card or account. It is your responsibility to keep all of these secure

7.1.      All passwords must be kept secret. You are liable for all activities undertaken using your username, associated password or Device. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all Account information and keeping your Device from unauthorized use.

7.2.      We accept no liability for any unauthorized use of your Device, payment card, account or any application you use in connection with the Platform or any effects of same.

7.3.      In the event your Device has been stolen or there is an unauthorized access to your payment card or account, it is your responsibility to immediately notify your bank to restrict transactions on your card and account.

7.4.      You are responsible for ensuring the security of any application or Device you use.



8.0.     In the event of a failed transaction (i.e. user has been debited for transaction, but value was not received), please send the following details to info@Naijarecharge.com for resolution: user’s mobile number, transaction amount, transaction date, transaction type and any other detail we would request to enable us resolve your complaint. We shall use our best endeavors to liaise with the applicable financial institution, telecommunication company and/or merchant to resolve your logged transaction issue.



9.0.      Our website and services are provided “as is” without any express, implied and/or statutory warranties (including, but not limited to, any implied or statutory warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use or purpose, title, and non-infringement of intellectual property rights). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Naijarecharge.com makes no warranty that our website and services will meet your requirements or that our website will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you through our website or from Naijarecharge.com, its parents, subsidiaries, or other affiliated companies, or its or their suppliers (or the respective officers, directors, employees, or agents of any such entities) (collectively, "Naijarecharge.com parties") shall create any warranty.



10.0.   Naijarecharge.com, its officers and employees shall in no event be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss business profit, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary lossarising out of or in connection with Naijarecharge.com’ website or services (including, without limitation, use, inability to use, or the results of use of Naijarecharge.com’  websites or services), whether such damages are based on warranty, contract, tort, statute, or any other legal theory

10.1.   Even if Naijarecharge.com, its officers and Employees have been advised of the possibility of such damages. These limitations will apply notwithstanding any breach of condition(s) or fundamental term(s) or for a fundamental breach (s).



11.0.    If any term or provision of this Terms and Conditions is determined to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid in whole or in part for any reason, such illegal, unenforceable, or invalid provisions or part(s) of the same shall be stricken from this Terms and Conditions, and such provision shall not affect the legality, enforceability, or validity of the remainder of this Terms and Conditions, and the stricken provision shall be replaced, to the extent possible, with a legal, enforceable, and valid provision that is as similar in tenor to the stricken provision as is legally possible.



12.0.   These Terms and Condition, together with Naijarecharge.com Privacy Policy; constitute the entire agreement between you and Naijarecharge.com in relation to your use of this website, and supersede all previous agreements in respect of your use of this website.



13.0.   Neither Naijarecharge.com or you shall assign any or all of its obligations under this Terms and Condition to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party to the Terms of Condition, such consent should not to be unreasonably withheld in the case of a responsible person.



14.0.   Naijarecharge.com reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time without Prior notice.

14.1.   By continuing to access or use Our Service after those revisions become effective, You agree to be bound by the revised terms. If You do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using the website and the Service.




15.0.   The laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall govern this Terms and Condition.

15.1.   We shall use our best endeavour to settle any dispute or difference of opinion between us, arising from or in connection with this Terms and Condition amicably through mutual discussion by our Approving Authority.

15.2.   Any dispute that cannot be settled in accordance with Clause 13 within a period of thirty (30) days, shall be settled before a Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by our mutual agreement. A dispute shall be deemed to have arisen when any of us notifies the other  in writing to that effect. In the event that we are  unable to mutually agree on a Sole Arbitrator within fourteen (14) days after a dispute has arisen, such sole arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Nigeria Branch).

15.3.   Any dispute arising from this Terms and Condition shall be settled in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, Cap. A18, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 (or any amendments or modification to the same).

15.4.   The venue of Arbitration shall be Lagos Nigeria.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected]